Fun facts about Singapore!

It’s time to give you some more fun filled facts about Singapore before you travel to it! So sit back and relax and go through some of these facts and enjoy the learning and then feel your brain expand in knowledge as you get ready to travel to the beautiful country that is Singapore!

  • The country of Singapore is made up of the main island that contains the city as well as a group of 63 other islands. The majority of these islands are tiny in size and are completely uninhabited but they do present some great tourist opportunities for you to venture out to and experience!
  • Out of every single country on earth, Singapore is actually one of the 20 smallest. The total size of Singapore is only 682.7 square kilometres, which if you compare it to a country such as the United States, it’s 15,000 times smaller.
  • Given its total size, Singapore is among the most densley populated places in the world, and is second behind Monaco amongst countries, with 6430 people living in each kilometre.
  • Singapore is a United Nations member and became apart of it in 1965.
  • The flag of Singapore is made up of red and white as well as moons and stars, and this is the symbol of brotherhood universally and unity in the red and white is the signifier of virtue and purity. The moon is on the flag to represent a nation that is young and on the rise while the five white stars are there to represent justice, equality, democracy, peach and progress.
  • The national flower of Singapore is the Vanda Miss Joaquim and was discovered in the year 1893.
  • English is considered the official language of Singapore and is the most widely spoken and worked language in the country. Despite this fact, the national anthem of Singapore is sung in Malay. The national anthem is called Majulah Singapura.
  • The largest bat in the entire world, the flying fox, is found in Singapore on one of its smaller islands called Pulau Ubin.
  • The first ever night zoo in the entire world can be found in Singapore and is called the Night Safari.
  • The country has the largest export market of ornamental fish, actually taking 25% in the world market.
  • Singapore is a relatively flat nation, with the highest point only being 164 metres high at the Bukit Timah Hill.
  • There are rules in place that prevent buildings from being built in Singapore any higher than 280 metres. There are currently three buildings in Singapore that are exactly that height: UOB Plaza, OUB Centre and Republic Plaza.
  • The world’s highest man made waterfall is in Singapore and can be found at the Jurong Bird Park. It stands at 30 metres tall.
  • The largest fountain on the planet can be found in Suntec city. It cost approximately $6 million US to build.