Weird and Unusual Comments about your triplets!

By now you have read the list of potentially good comments you will get about your triplets, and trust us when we say you will get all sorts of positive comments about your babies when you are out in public!

But for every good and positive comment you also run the risk of getting a few negative and unusual comments too! We have heard all the weird ones and you will be absolutely bemused at some of the things people will actually say to you about your children!

We will now present to you some of the more weird and wonderful ones that we have received and present to you some possible answers and comebacks you can have for these people who say the weirdest things!

Boy, you have your hands full! (this is by far the most frequently used comment of any sort when it comes to triplets! Get used to hearing it A LOT!)
They’re triplets right? Well why are they so different? (you’ll get this a lot as well)
Your kids are trouble!
Wow look at that!
Oh my god! I can’t imagine! That would be a real nightmare!
Nice babies! Are they triplets?
Crazy to have three babies all at once!
That is obviously a lot of trouble!
Oh wow, I’m so sorry that you have three kids!
So you have three of them at once, but which one of them is your favourite?
I don’t know if I should say congratulations or condolences!
Is each of them your child?
Were you actually trying for triplets or did it just happen?
Are they IVF?
You must be joking!
Oh no, I feel so sorry for you! Really I do!

What sort of responses do you give to such comments? I’m sure your head is filled with potential ones, including some very nasty ones that if you had the confidence to do so you would! (I’m really sorry but I don’t speak fluent idiot and therefore can’t answer your stupid question…). Here are some helpful comebacks and answers that can provide you with some assistance when it comes to talking back to the people who quote such ridiculous things about your triplets when they meet you:

Yes, we have our hands full
You, we are very busy now
Or I just keep quiet

It can be difficult to constantly hear these comments directed towards you when you go out in public but you should always try and keep some form of peace of mind about you so that you won’t come off as some mean, grumpy parent who only wants to go on the attack whenever she has comments directed at her.

Go out in public with a smile on your face and always be ready to hear all matters of comments, but never forget that you are a happy proud parent of your triplets and that in no way are you disappointed or sad to have them! The more people realise this then the more positive comments you will no doubt receive!