Whenever you head to a new country it’s always great to know some facts about the place you are about to visit. Here we present to you some did you know facts about the country of South Africa that we hope will help expand your knowledge of the country and give you a further insight into why South Africa should be near the top of your destinations to travel too list!

  • The population of South Africa is 45 million, which is spread mainly in their major cities. The country does have a fairly low population density.
  • The longest wine route in the entire world can be found in South Africa, and the country enjoys some of the best and most loved wines in the world outside of Europe.
  • The diversity of plant life in South Africa is extreme, with the smallest plant in the world and the largest both being found in the country.
  • South Africa exports large amounts of fruit worldwide, and is actually the second largest fruit exporter in the world.