Snakes in India

India, with its wide variety of climate and nature, is home to many animal species. Maybe not the first one thinks about, but definitely an animal to keep in mind when traveling to India, is the snake. There are about 250 species of snakes to be found in India. They range in size, from about 10 centimeters up to over 6 meters long, in color, and probably most importantly, they range in toxicity. Over 50, or about 1 out of 5 snake species in India are venomous. The Big Four, consisting of the Indian cobra, common krait, Russell’s viper and the saw-scales viper, are considered the most deadly snakes in the region.

With this many species of snakes sizzling around, it is no surprise that India rates the country with the highest snake bite incidents in the world. On a yearly basis, about 250,000 people get bitten by venomous snakes in the entire country. Even though antivenin is available for almost all snake bites, including for bites caused by all of the Big Four snakes, at least 50,000 of these bites have fatal consequences.When traveling to India, it is important to be aware of these creatures. However, there is no reason to panic and there are no major precautions necessary apart from always having a watchful eye, especially when heading to more rural areas. Snakes may be dangerous to humans, but bare in mind that they are a big part of India’s ecosystem. Snakes are of great help when it comes to keeping farmland, and even more urban areas, rodent free. Especially rats, a major part of most snakes’ menu, have the capability to destroy entire fields of crops in one single night and are a great source of disease.

In worst case scenario, if you do get bitten by a snake, it is important to remember to seek help immediately, firmly wrap a bandage round the area where the snake has bitten, and keep the affected area below heart level to reduce the flow of venom towards other body parts. Also, do not wash the bite, or suck it, as is often seen in movies, and do not apply cold compresses or ice to the snake bite. So, when traveling to India, simply be aware that you are sharing the country not only with over a billion other people but also with large numbers of snakes. Awareness is key to prevention.