Getting Your Triplets in to an easy routine!

When you have triplets you will soon find out the meaning of proper time conservation! Trust us on this! It can be very difficult to properly maintain a good amount of time and effort on many different activities that you will have to endure when you have your triplets. The best thing we recommend is to get yourselves into a routine that will help you out when it comes to organising yourself and your triplets. One such example of how a good routine would work is when it comes to having two of your babies wanting a feed yet one isn’t ready, then what do you do?

Here are some tips for getting into a good routine:

Feed your babies all at the same time. As we have just mentioned, this is a great way in ensuring that not only you get yourself into a frequent routine but also your babies as they begin to get familiar with the concept of time and routine. You should never ever give one or two of your babies separate treatment over the others as this will not solve anything and can go on to actually confuse your babies more than you actually think. As they get older they will want to do things separately but in the meantime you should always ensure they do things together. And it also makes things easier for you by always knowing when the babies have been fed and at what stages each of them has been given their milk. You don’t need a situation where you think that one baby has been fed and the others haven’t, only to give one baby extra food and make them sick, or another baby no food at all which could then lead to other potential issues.
Change your baby’s nappies at the same time. This again is similar to the feeding of the babies, but can also be seen as more important. If you think your babies have had their nappies changed too much then you could always end up wasting so many nappies which could then lead to you spending more money and also causing endless amounts of waste. But also if you change your baby’s nappies too infrequently, you can leave your children sitting in their own waste for a long time which also can lead to long amounts of uncomfortable situations for your children and make them very smelly. Set yourself some times as to when you should check your baby’s nappies and always make sure you try and follow these set times in changing them.
Change your baby’s clothes at the same time. Just like you have read about with the food and the nappies, changing your clothes on the babies again at the same time is very important. This will make sure that you know again when they have been changed and when they have been put in the clothes that they are wearing so you always know at what point they may need changing again. Keep an eye on your schedule so that you will know when you have to change their clothes in the future and it will also give you an easier option when it comes to washing their clothes as you will know that you will have all their clothes at the same time, making it easier for you!
Play with them at the same time. As your children get older they will begin to get more jealous about certain things and one such thing will be play time. If you get into a good routine when they are younger in regards to their play time then you will always know that you can play with them all at once and they will get used to being given the same amounts of attention at the same time. This is quite important as you don’t want your kids to grow up feeling as though they aren’t played with as much as their siblings and it also makes it important that they will always feel equally loved at the same time. It also makes sure that you can provide the same amounts of attention as well as having play time all together so you know that they have been entertained all at once, rather than knowing one has been entertained and you still have to entertain the other two at some point during your day.

Always make sure you get yourself into a decent routine with your triplets to always ensure some consistency is had. By doing this you will have happier children and an easier time in raising them. And with all the stress and bother you will be having when you have your triplets, it’s always important to find as much help and outs as possible!