• Have you taught them about the different culture in which you will be going into? There are parts of South Africa that are very poor and in poverty, so you should teach your kids about this to avoid embarrassing situations when you arrive.
  • Do you have a basic phrase book that you can teach your children some words? This might just be a simple ‘hello’ to help them get by.
  • Have you given them items to keep them busy when travelling? South Africa is a big country and there might be long periods of time when you are on the road and your kids get bored.
  • Do your kids have a camera to take photos? By giving them their own, they can then have the fun of taking some snaps and sharing them with their friends when they get home.
  • Do you know where your kids are at all times? It can be quite easy to get lost in another country so you should always make sure you know where you kids are and watch them the entire time you are in South Africa so you don’t lose them.