
Facts about Cape Town, South Africa

By Ben Waterworth

Heading to South Africa is a great idea for a holiday and when in South Africa heading to Cape Town is also a fantastic idea to really see the country and experience one of its most vibrant cities. Here are some facts about the city to help wet your appetite should you wish to travel there.

  • Cape town is the legislative capital of South Africa. This goes with Pretoria which is the executive capital of the country and Bloemfontein which is the judicial capital. Johannesburg remains the largest city in South Africa.
  • The city is often considered as the economic capital of the country as well as of the Western Cape of the country. It is a large manufacturing hub too for the entire country.
  • Cape Town houses the seats of the national parliament
  • Several of South Africa’s most prominent landmarks are in Cape Town, with such icons as Table Mountain and Cape Point all residing within Cape Town.
  • Cape Town was the largest city in South Africa for several years until Johannesburg began its expansion during the 20th Century.
  • The port in Cape Town is often seen as one of the busiest ports in the entire world.
  • The largest media company in South Africa, Naspers, has its headquarters in South Africa.
  • The largest timed cycle race in the world is held in Cape Town and is called the ‘Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour’
  • Cape Town is an extremely popular place for whale watching. Southern Right Whales frequent the area in the period between August and November
  • Cape Town was settled by English and Dutch settlers in the 19th century and contains a rich history of both cultures within the city limits.
  • The city of Cape Town is generally regarded as one of the most popular tourist destinations in the entire country of South Africa. There are several tourist information centres spread throughout the city.